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Garden of Temptation

Beneath the Rose (02) Published June 27th, 2014

"Anything," he had whispered...

   Within the mysterious world of the Garden Maze an ambitious woman seeks the Keeper. It is the only thing that can grant safe passage into the center of the Maze, where the sleeping beauties lie in wait for someone to take them, or take their place.


    With nothing but her will she must fight her way through a myriad of seduction. If she wins, she earns a thrall of power and pleasure, but if she loses, she is destined to become a sleeper, the slaves of the Keeper.


10,020 words   32 pages (approximately)

“You have done well.”


The sound of its voice was like silk across her skin, cool and gentle. Her nipples hardened again and her groin tightened.


"Thank you."


It raised a hand, running a finger across her Circle. Ripples formed out of thin ar, tiny swirls barely visible. Without color they were hard to see in the dark, a mere distortion following its finger. The action caused a sensual feeling to crawl over her skin. It felt as though it was running that finger across her spine. Her core warmed and the muscles within tightened again.


She closed her eyes briefly, pulling herself out of the feeling reluctantly. A part of her wanted to wrap the shadow around her, to succumb to its need, to her need. It was a test, one of many, and she wasn’t sure she had passed as much as survived to be tested again.


“I am the Keeper.”

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